Joining hands to support people in localities that are suffering heavy damage from storm No. 3 and prolonged floods, on September 13 and 14, many monks, nuns and Buddhists of Cao Long Pagoda in Co Phap village, Cong Hoa commune (Nam Sach, Hai Duong) organized to wrap Chung cakes to send to people affected by storms and floods.
Specifically, the pagoda wrapped more than 2,200 banh chung. Of these, 500 were sent to the people of Lau Khe village, Hiep Cat commune and 300 were sent to the people of My Xa village (Minh Tan, Nam Sach district). These are two villages outside the Thai Binh river dike of Nam Sach district that have been heavily affected by floods in the past few days. The remaining cakes were sent by the pagoda to the people of Yen Bai province.