Digital transformation

Beware of scams asking to integrate red books into VNeID application

According to VTC News November 9, 2023 12:05

Hanoi police recommend that people be wary of the trick of asking them to go to the Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment to complete the declaration procedure and integrate information into VNelD to commit fraud.

Nhiều người dân Hà Nội bất ngờ được yêu cầu mang sổ đỏ đi tích hợp VNeID. (Ảnh minh họa)

Many Hanoi residents were suddenly asked to bring their land books to integrate VNeID. Illustrative photo

Recently, the Hanoi Department of Natural Resources and Environment has recorded many citizens bringing their Land Use Rights Certificates and Citizen Identification Cards... to the headquarters to complete the declaration procedures and integrate information into the VNelD application after receiving phone calls from strange numbers.

Accordingly, the subjects impersonated officials of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment via phone and social networks to contact citizens to request procedures related to land use right certificates to fraudulently appropriate citizens' personal information and assets.

In the face of the above situation, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment affirmed that calls and text messages requesting citizens to carry out procedures to update CCCD information, convert numbers, and integrate information on land use right certificates into the VNelD application are incorrect.

Currently, the City Department of Natural Resources and Environment has no policy requiring citizens to integrate information on Land Use Rights Certificates into the VNelD application.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment of the City affirms that it only receives administrative procedure settlement dossiers through the following forms: Direct reception at the Department's Reception and Result Delivery Department, Hanoi Land Registration Office and its affiliated branches; reception via public postal service (receipt is at the address of the Department's Reception and Result Delivery Department, Hanoi Land Registration Office and its affiliated branches); online reception via the National Public Service Portal, Hanoi City Public Service Portal.

Hereby, the Department of Cyber ​​Security and High-Tech Crime Prevention of Hanoi City Police recommends that people and organizations be vigilant when receiving phone calls from strangers, claiming to be officials, civil servants, public employees, and employees of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to notify, request additional information, provide personal information over the phone or request to provide personal information, pay unspecified fees and charges for Digital Transformation and Certificate issuance.

When detecting cases with signs of fraud as above, people need to immediately report to the nearest police agency.

According to VTC News
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Beware of scams asking to integrate red books into VNeID application