
Storm No. 8 weakens into tropical depression

VN November 14, 2024 05:53

It is forecasted that in the next 24 hours, storm No. 8 will weaken into a tropical depression in the North East Sea. The North will remain dry with sunny weather during the day and cold weather at night and early morning.

Forecast of storm path number 8

According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, storm No. 8 is weakening. At 4:00 a.m. on November 14, the center of the storm was located at about 20.9 degrees north latitude, 114.2 degrees east longitude, in the northern waters of the North East Sea. The strongest wind near the center of the storm is level 8 (62-74 km/h), gusting to level 10. Moving westward, at a speed of about 10 km/h.

It is forecasted that in the next 24 hours, the storm will move west-southwest at a speed of about 10km/h and weaken into a tropical depression. At 4am on November 15, the tropical depression will be located in the northern sea area of ​​the North East Sea, with strong winds of level 6, gusting to level 8.

At 4:00 a.m. on November 16, the tropical depression weakened into a low pressure area in the sea north of Hoang Sa archipelago.

On land, the Northern and North Central regions maintain rainless nights, scattered fog and light fog in the early morning, sunny days, cold nights and early mornings.

The Central Central region has scattered showers and thunderstorms. Other areas have scattered showers and thunderstorms in the evening and at night, and sunny days.

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    Storm No. 8 weakens into tropical depression