
Ensuring consistency in adjusting the National Land Use Plan

TB (according to VNA) October 10, 2024 20:53

National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man affirmed that adjusting the Land Use Planning is extremely important in the economic, cultural and social development of the whole country and each locality.

Chủ tịch Quốc hội Trần Thanh Mẫn phát biểu. (Ảnh: Doãn Tấn/TTXVN)
National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man speaks

Continuing the 38th Session, on the afternoon of October 10, the National Assembly Standing Committee gave opinions on the policy of adjusting the Land Use Planning for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.

Assessing the impact of policies and laws on the implementation of land use indicators

According to the report on submitting to the National Assembly for decision on the policy of adjusting the Land Use Planning for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050, presented by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Minh Ngan, in the process of organizing the implementation of the National Land Use Planning up to now, it shows that many land use indicators are no longer suitable; at the same time, due to the requirements for periodic review and adjustment of the National Land Use Planning and Provincial Planning according to the provisions of the 2017 Law on Planning...

Therefore, it is necessary for the Government to submit to the National Assembly a decision on the policy of adjusting the National Land Use Plan at the upcoming 8th Session to ensure the legal basis, management tools, and release of land resources to contribute to the implementation of the socio-economic development strategy goals, ensuring national defense and security, environmental protection, and sustainable development of the country.

According to the provisions of the 2024 Land Law, the Government will submit to the National Assembly adjustments to the National Land Use Plan with the following main contents: Adjusting 6 land use indicators including rice-growing land, special-use forest land, protective forest land, production forest land that is natural forest, national defense land, security land; adjusting and eliminating land use plans in the national land use plan (under the authority of the Government).

In the review report, Chairman of the National Assembly's Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh said that the Standing Committee of the Economic Committee found that the Government's proposal to adjust the national land use planning was consistent with the National Assembly's requirements in Resolution No. 103/2023/QH15 dated November 9, 2023 of the National Assembly, especially in the context that our country is preparing to implement a number of important national projects in the transport sector.

However, the Standing Committee of the Economic Committee proposed to clarify that in case the National Assembly decides to adjust the National Land Use Plan, how many provincial plans, national sectoral plans or other related plans must be adjusted to ensure consistency according to the provisions of the Law on Planning and the impact of adjusting the Plan on other plans; proposed that the Government assess the impact of policies and laws on the implementation of land use indicators; continue to review and clarify the causes, especially subjective causes leading to the proposal to adjust land use planning indicators to ensure that they are close to practical needs...

Reasonable, economical and effective allocation of land resources for industries and fields

Discussing at the meeting, the National Assembly Standing Committee agreed with the necessity of adjusting the Planning.

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Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung speaks

Chairman of the National Assembly's Law Committee Hoang Thanh Tung assessed that the Government's submission had stated quite fully the political basis, legal basis, practical basis and the adjustment in accordance with the planning review period. However, the Government needs to supplement the impact assessment, clarify the impact of the adjustment of the Planning on lower plans in the national planning system such as sectoral planning, regional planning, planning of provinces and cities approved by the Prime Minister so that National Assembly deputies have a full basis for consideration and decision.

Affirming that the adjustment of the Land Use Plan is of utmost importance in the economic, cultural and social development of the whole country and each locality, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man suggested that when submitting this content to the National Assembly, it is necessary to clearly demonstrate the policy, ensuring compliance with the 7 bases stated in Article 53 of the Law on Planning; clarifying the bases for the necessity of adjusting the National Land Use Plan.

The National Assembly Chairman emphasized the need to ensure land use needs to achieve socio-economic development goals, ensure national defense and security, allocate land resources reasonably, economically and effectively for local sectors and fields; comply with requirements for developing infrastructure systems, food security, water resources, forest coverage, ecosystems, and properly resolve social issues, including the need for residential land and production land for ethnic minorities.

Concluding the meeting, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai stated that the National Assembly Standing Committee agreed to submit to the National Assembly for consideration and decision on the policy of adjusting the Planning according to the Government's proposal; requesting the Government to be responsible for the data on the implementation of the Planning and land use needs stated in the submission.

The National Assembly Standing Committee recommends that the Government absorb the opinions of the National Assembly Chairman and the National Assembly Standing Committee, the opinions of the examining agency, complete the dossier and submission, increase the persuasiveness when submitting to the National Assembly; analyze, evaluate comprehensively, clarify further the proposed causes, bases, solutions, pay attention to the indicators, improve the effectiveness of the implementation of the Planning and the need to adjust land use planning; assess the impact of adjusting the Land Use Planning on the need to adjust related planning, the impact on the urbanization process and infrastructure development, the development of industries and high-tech zones to use land effectively, avoid wasting land resources...

Also at the meeting, the National Assembly Standing Committee considered and approved the proposal to appoint the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad; considered and decided on the supplement to the 2024 regular expenditure estimate of the State budget of the Central Party Office.

On Friday, October 11, the National Assembly Standing Committee is on break. On Monday, October 14, the National Assembly Standing Committee continues its 38th session.

TB (according to VNA)
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Ensuring consistency in adjusting the National Land Use Plan