
5 habits that make you anxious

According to VnExpress August 25, 2023 19:43

The American Psychiatric Association estimates that nearly 30% of adults are affected by an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is a normal response to stress and is beneficial in some situations, but can also be dangerous if left unchecked, the agency says. But there are certain habits that can cause anxiety even when there is no threat to your safety.

Look at the phone

Starting the day by giving your brain a lot of information can cause anxiety about what to do, says Dr. Amy Mezulis, an adolescent mental health specialist. All of this happens before we have a chance to wake up in our minds or bodies.

“Those posts, newsletters, and emails are still there after your 15-20 minutes in the morning, after your coffee or meditation,” says Mezulis. Waiting allows us to take in information more calmly.

So experts recommend implementing a new morning routine like meditating, journaling, or listening to music.

No time planning

Many of us, especially those who are perfectionists or overworked, have trouble finishing one task so we can move on to the next. “They’re afraid of leaving something unfinished or incomplete,” says Mezulis.

She suggests setting a specific time to stop and move on to the next activity instead of saying, “I’ll do something else after I finish this.” If you think it will take 10 minutes, give yourself 20 minutes to see how it feels to not rush through things.

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View news

An August 2022 study published in the journal Health Communications found that people who are obsessed with media are not only at risk for stress and anxiety, but also have poor physical health.

News stories over the past few years, including global pandemics, political unrest, mass shootings, wars and wildfires, have had a profound impact on many people, said Bryan McLaughlin, an associate professor at Texas Tech University and lead author of the study.

“Receiving such news can put some people on high alert, overloading their monitoring mechanisms and making the world seem like a dark and dangerous place,” the expert said.

While he believes people should keep up with current events, he recommends "having a healthier relationship with the news." "Only allow yourself to watch the news at specific times, preferably not when you wake up or right when you go to bed," he recommends.

Social media debate

A May 2022 study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking shows that taking a break from social media arguing for just a week can reduce your anxiety and increase your sense of well-being.

Daniel Rinaldi, therapist and life coach, recommends engaging in positive interactions and avoiding content that increases anxiety.

Not breathing deeply enough

Mezulis says that as she frantically searches through her to-do list, she often finds herself holding her breath.

“Our anxiety levels and our physical state are very closely related. When we are anxious, our body's sympathetic nervous system kicks into action. Our pupils dilate, our heart rate increases, blood flows from our extremities to our major muscles, we stop digesting, and we breathe very quickly and shallowly,” she explains.

Anxiety causes us to breathe shallowly, but rapid, shallow breathing can also cause anxiety, as the body and mind are trying to synchronize their experiences.

“Breathe in for five seconds, hold your breath for five seconds, breathe out for five seconds, hold your breath for five seconds. Do this five times and you'll see your anxiety drop instantly,” she suggests.

According to VnExpress
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5 habits that make you anxious