The Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and central mass organizations are assigned to preside over the development of a project to arrange and streamline the system of mass organizations assigned by the Party and State.
According to Conclusion 127-KL/TW issued on February 28, the Politburo and the Secretariat assigned the Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and central mass organizations to coordinate with the Central Organization Committee, the Government Party Committee, the National Assembly Party Committee and relevant agencies to study the orientation and develop a project to arrange and streamline the Vietnam Fatherland Front agencies, socio-political organizations, and mass organizations assigned by the Party and State (central, provincial and communal levels) after the merger and consolidation.
The Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and Central organizations are assigned to review the functions, tasks, and organizational structure of affiliated agencies and organizations, especially press agencies, to ensure unified management and effective operations in the direction of maximum streamlining, maintaining only necessary units.
The project is oriented to rearrange socio-political organizations and mass organizations assigned by the Party and State to be directly under the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (in sync with the current Party organizational structure).
Among the groups of agencies implementing the lean project, the group of mass organizations accounts for the largest number with 30 organizations.
According to Conclusion 127-KL/TW, the Party Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and Central mass organizations are assigned to develop a project to report to the Politburo for approval before asking for opinions from Party committees and organizations at all levels no later than March 9.
No later than March 12, after receiving the Politburo's comments, the Secretariat will complete the project and send it to the Provincial Party Committees, City Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees for comments.
After receiving comments from Provincial Party Committees, Municipal Party Committees, Party Committees directly under the Central Committee, agencies, organizations, and Central Party Committees, complete the project and report to the Politburo and Secretariat before March 27.
It is expected that after receiving comments from the Politburo, the Secretariat and other agencies, the project and submission will be completed and submitted to the Party Central Committee (through the Central Organizing Committee) before April 7.
TB (according to Dan Tri)