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What to see in Hai Duong newspaper on February 6?

Hai Duong online February 6, 2025 05:12

Overcoming difficulties to have a quality recruitment season; Supporting quick and convenient business registration... are the main contents published in Hai Duong newspaper on February 6.


Provincial leaders write the first words of spring at Chu Van An temple:On the morning of February 5 (January 8, At Ty year), at Chu Van An temple in Van An ward, Chi Linh city, the first writing ceremony of spring was held. Comrade Tran Duc Thang, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee attended and performed the drum beating ceremony.. (page 1).

Take care of village affairs, fulfill national affairs:From village affairs to national affairs, if the wholeheartedness and love are fulfilled, the village will be peaceful, the country will prosper, so that Vietnam will have enough resources to turn to a new page - the era of national growth...(page 1).

Nearly 90% of workers have returned to work after Tet:Through a quick review by the Provincial Federation of Labor, as of February 5, Hai Duong had 238,294 workers working at enterprises with trade unions returning to work, reaching nearly 90% of the total number of workers...(page 2).

Stroke patients increase sharply:On February 5, the Stroke Department (Provincial General Hospital) was treating and providing emergency care to 43 stroke patients, a 50% increase compared to the months before Tet...(page 2).

Commune police have not punished traffic violations in over a month:After more than 1 month of implementing Circular 73 of the Ministry of Public Security, as of February 4, Hai Duong has not recorded any traffic violations sanctioned by commune-level police...(page 2).

Volunteer for elderly health care:For many years, volunteers in the intergenerational self-help club in Hai Duong have become a support for many elderly people, helping them overcome difficulties to live happily and healthily...(page 3).

Overcoming difficulties to have a quality recruitment season:With the participation of the entire political system, the work of selecting and calling citizens to join the army in 2025 in Hai Duong took place in accordance with regulations, strictly at each stage, ensuring quality...(page 4).

Support for quick and convenient business registration:In order to provide maximum support for businesses to enter the market soon, the Department of Planning and Investment of Hai Duong is implementing many solutions to quickly resolve business registration procedures...(page 4).

Streamlining the apparatus is a decisive factor for the country's sustainable development:During the 95 years of leading the Vietnamese revolution, our Party has always affirmed its pioneering role, leading and organizing the successful implementation of political, economic and social tasks...(page 7).

In addition, Hai Duong newspaper on February 6 also has many other interesting news and articles.

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What to see in Hai Duong newspaper on February 6?