
Exile tour with slavery experience in China sparks controversy

TH (according to VTC News) November 9, 2024 14:33

Visitors to Ninh Co Thap this December will experience an exile tour, playing the role of prisoners wearing shackles and chains, being tortured and turned into slaves.

Chinese city opens controversial 'slave tourism' tour

In December, China's Heilongjiang Province will launch a tourism project that allows visitors to experience exile in Ning'an County, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province. Local authorities hope that this innovative service will significantly boost tourist numbers and increase revenue, according toJiupai News.

Ningguta in Mudanjiang City is an ancient military town and one of China's most famous exile sites. Historical records show that during the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), more than 1.5 million people were sent here for serious crimes.

To reach Ninggu Tower, prisoners had to endure a long and arduous journey, many died along the way; survivors were often enslaved by local officials. Ninggu Tower became famous through the hit movie"The Legend of Zhen Huan", in which the main character's family is exiled to this location by the emperor.

With the new tour, visitors to the Jingpo Lake scenic area in Ning'an County can dress up in pink or blue prison uniforms, shackles and chains, and follow the ancient exile route. There are also people dressed as ancient prison guards, providing a very immersive experience.

Even role-playing tourists can bungee jump to simulate the despair of exiles who freed themselves by jumping off cliffs.

The cost and total length of the exile route have not been disclosed. The entrance fee to the scenic Jingpo Lake is 49 yuan (US$7.70). Staff there said that visitors will be able to experience exile starting next month; the government also plans to add winter sports activities along the exile route.

Local official provides details of exile tourism project in Ninh An to launch next month

The tour has attracted a lot of attention on Chinese social media and is highly anticipated: "I can't wait to go to Ningguta this winter and walk the prison trail. It sounds very relaxing"; "This is a creative way to promote local history and culture, and also attracts young people"...

However, there are many opinions that do not agree with this idea: "Ninggu Pagoda is a tragic place in China where many intellectuals and patriots were exiled. This activity is disrespectful to that painful history."

According to some historical records, the wife and son of writer Kim Thanh Than and the father of famous general Trinh Thanh Cong were also among those exiled to Ninh Co Thap.

Ancient Chinese authorities used a number of brutal torture methods to punish criminals, the most notorious being the slicing-chi punishment, in which the prisoner was slowly cut off piece by piece until he died. Another horrifying torture method was to drive needles into the fingertips, penetrating under the nails, which was often used on female prisoners.

TH (according to VTC News)
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Exile tour with slavery experience in China sparks controversy