We invite you to read Hai Duong Weekend Newspaper No. 1253 with rich and interesting content.
The Reportage - Notes page of Hai Duong Weekend Newspaper No. 1253 has an articleThe silent father accompanies his children through the storms of life(Tien Huy). The article tells about the special life of a young man named Nguyen Huu Thinh in Mau Duyet village, Cam Hung commune (Cam Giang). For many years, Mr. Thinh has overcome the situation of a severely disabled person due to the consequences of Agent Orange, but lives optimistically and brings to the public poems full of sorrow. Few people know that behind his literary successes are the silent sacrifices of his father - Mr. Nguyen Tien Luat.
The rươi harvesting season is approaching, but many farmers in Tu Ky district are worried because this year there is a possibility of a crop failure. The problem is reflected in the article.Tu Ky farmers worry about losing the rươi crop(Dawn) on the Economics page.
Social Page has postDrawing lots for the third exam subject for grade 10: What do teachers and parents say?(The Anh - Van Tuan), reflecting on the Ministry of Education and Training's plan to change the 10th grade high school admission regulations with 3 subjects including math, literature and 1 randomly drawn subject. This topic is of great interest to teachers and parents in Hai Duong.
If in the past billiards was often considered a sport only for men, in recent years, many women have enjoyed playing the cue, especially young people expressing their personality. Content in the articleBilliards is not only for men!(Phuong Anh) on the Culture - Sports - Entertainment page.
On the Life page there is an articleTpig chasing the trend of "dieting, dressing fashionably"(Happiness). The trend of "Diet and Fashion" is both healthy and shows off one's personality, so many people are following this lifestyle, especially young people.
Literature page has short storiesTears flow downbelong toDo Tuan Ton; essayDalat is beautiful and sadbelong toTran Thu Thuy; poetry collection:Afternoon in Con Son(Duy Dac);First textbook(Hoai Khanh);Country town(THello Kim Khanh);Leaf age (Nguyen Huy)...
The newspaper has many other interesting contents, please read!