
Frequent urination, rapid weight loss, 4-year-old child suddenly has diabetes

According to Laborer November 7, 2023 09:42

In a short time, a healthy 4-year-old boy suddenly lost 3 kg and urinated frequently at night. When he went to the doctor, his family was very surprised to learn that he had diabetes.

Tiểu nhiều, sụt cân nhanh, bé 4 tuổi bất ngờ bị đái tháo đường - Ảnh 1.
A 4-year-old patient was diagnosed with diabetes after losing weight continuously. Photo: Provided by the hospital

Duc Giang General Hospital (Hanoi) said it had just successfully treated a 4-year-old boy (in Long Bien district, Hanoi) who was in a coma due to complications from diabetes.

The patient's family said that 2 weeks ago, the child had a cough, fever, phlegm, and wheezing. The child was taken to Duc Giang General Hospital by his parents and was hospitalized.

Around 5 pm the same day, the child had a slight fever, then became more tired, had rapid breathing, and had difficulty breathing. Doctor Nguyen Thi Lan Anh, Department of Pediatric Intensive Care, found this to be an abnormal sign, the rapid breathing was disproportionate to the patient's lung damage.

The results of blood gas and capillary blood glucose tests showed that the patient was in a state of severe acidosis. In particular, blood glucose increased to a very high level of 37 mmol/l. Immediately, the on-call team intubated and actively controlled the patient's airway.

The child was also given fluid resuscitation, continuous intravenous insulin infusion, and correction of acid-base and electrolyte imbalances. The child is now alert, breathing on his own, and starting to eat and drink.

The patient's mother said that before being admitted to the hospital, the child had not been diagnosed with any medical conditions. However, over the past 3 weeks, the child has lost about 3 kg and has been urinating frequently at night.

According to doctors, diabetes in children is mainly type 1. The disease can start from a few months of age, the most common age is 10-14 years old.

The cause of type 1 diabetes is up to 95% due to autoimmune mechanism and 5% of unknown cause. Some risk factors such as Coxsackie virus infection, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus... or diet are also related to the onset of the disease.

This disease is often only detected when children have severe symptoms such as: thirst, drinking a lot, urinating a lot, weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, bedwetting when the child did not have it before.

Type 1 diabetes requires lifelong insulin treatment. In addition, diet and lifestyle adjustments are needed. Doctors recommend that if parents detect the above signs in their children, they should take them to a specialized medical facility for examination and timely diagnosis and treatment to avoid unfortunate complications.

According to Laborer
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    Frequent urination, rapid weight loss, 4-year-old child suddenly has diabetes