
Information on the health status of the 3 victims of the Phong Chau bridge collapse

VN (according to Vietnam+) September 9, 2024 17:09

At Tam Nong District Medical Center, there are currently 3 patients from the Phong Chau bridge collapse being transferred to the emergency room, including 1 case of serious injury.

Cầu Phong Châu (Phú Thọ) bị sập sáng 9/9. Một trụ và hai nhịp của cây cầu đã bị nước lũ cuốn. (Ảnh: Tạ Toàn/TTXVN)
Phong Chau Bridge (Phu Tho) collapsed on the morning of September 9. One pillar and two spans of the bridge were swept away by floodwaters.

Regarding the emergency treatment of 3 victims of the Phong Chau bridge collapse (Phu Tho) currently being treated at Tam Nong District Medical Center, doctors from Viet Duc Friendship Hospital held an online consultation for all 3 patients, including 1 case of serious injury.

The case of severe trauma was a 40-year-old male patient riding a motorbike on a bridge, fell into the water due to the bridge collapse, drifted downstream to Hung Hoa, washed ashore and was rescued by local people. The patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of panic, headache, a 14-16cm wide wound on his left leg, dirty sand, crushed, and a small collapsed lung in the lower lobe of the right lung.

The patient received an online multidisciplinary consultation from doctors at Viet Duc Friendship Hospital, instructing the team of doctors at lower levels to handle the patient's injuries, continue to monitor and have treatment plans for neurological, cardiothoracic, and trauma issues.

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Doctors consult from bridge points

In addition, two other patients are being treated at Tam Nong District Medical Center with minor injuries and are continuing to be monitored and encouraged.

Viet Duc Friendship Hospital will ensure that the online consultation line is connected smoothly between the hospital and the connecting points in Phu Tho: Tam Nong District Medical Center, Lam Thao Medical Center, Phu Tho Provincial General Hospital... to promptly consult, advise, and support treatment through the remote medical examination and treatment system.

VN (according to Vietnam+)
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Information on the health status of the 3 victims of the Phong Chau bridge collapse