Malaria cases increase rapidly, Ministry of Health urgently requests prevention

August 13, 2023 05:33

Reports from the infectious disease surveillance system since the beginning of the year show that Lai Chau province has recorded 64 cases of malaria, and Khanh Hoa province has recorded 81 cases.

So ca mac sot ret tang nhanh, Bo Y te yeu cau cap thiet phong chong hinh anh 1

Faced with the increasing number of malaria cases in Lai Chau and Khanh Hoa provinces, the Department of Preventive Medicine (Ministry of Health) has sent a document to the Department of Health of these two provinces regarding strengthening malaria prevention work.

According to the Department of Preventive Medicine, the report of the infectious disease surveillance system from the beginning of the year until now shows that Lai Chau province recorded 64 cases of malaria, an increase of 16% compared to the same period in 2022, concentrated in Muong Te district; Khanh Hoa province recorded 81 cases of malaria, an increase of 100% compared to the same period in 2022 (no cases recorded), concentrated in Khanh Vinh district.

The results of the inspection and assessment of the malaria situation in the field show that the main cause is that the area is in an area with high malaria prevalence, mountainous geographical conditions and difficult economy, mainly ethnic minorities with low education; the number of people working in the fields, exploiting agricultural and forestry products is high, but the proactive detection of cases, disease outbreaks, and management of infected and at-risk subjects of malaria has not been effectively implemented.

Besides, many people are subjective, do not comply with treatment, communication work on malaria prevention is limited; Coordination between authorities, departments and sectors in malaria prevention is limited.

To strengthen the prevention and control of malaria in Muong Te district, Lai Chau province and Khanh Vinh district, Khanh Hoa province; the Department of Preventive Medicine requests the Department of Health of Lai Chau province and the Department of Health of Khanh Hoa province to direct the implementation of synthesis, in-depth analysis of the malaria situation, clearly identify the causes of increased malaria and assess the risk of malaria in the area.

Relevant functional units inspect and evaluate the implementation of monitoring activities, early detection, sample collection, and treatment of malaria cases in localities.

Medical units need to strengthen monitoring, diagnosis, detection, and treatment according to the right regimen to limit the risk of severe malaria and death, localize to promptly handle, eliminate the source of the disease, and limit the spread to the community. Organize training courses to improve skills in monitoring, testing, and treatment for local medical staff.

Provinces need to organize communication on malaria prevention measures for high-risk groups and people in malaria-affected areas, use mosquito nets at home and in forests and fields, and when infected with malaria, use full treatment medication according to instructions.

Functional units need to provide mosquito nets, hammocks treated with mosquito repellent chemicals, and mosquito repellent creams; impregnate mosquito nets with mosquito repellent chemicals for people and spray residual mosquito repellent chemicals in households and high-risk areas.

The above provinces also need to strengthen and promote the effective operation of the malaria prevention system, especially the commune, village and hamlet health system; Ensure the allocation of human resources to meet the requirements for malaria prevention activities; Provide guidance and payment for the purchase of chemicals, monitoring costs, pay for people spraying chemicals and impregnating mosquito nets, train people participating in epidemic prevention and other malaria prevention activities.

The Department of Preventive Medicine recommends that provinces with cases closely monitor the development of the malaria situation and evaluate the results of implementing preventive measures to promptly direct localities...

According to Vietnam+

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Malaria cases increase rapidly, Ministry of Health urgently requests prevention