Before traveling, you need to estimate the number of shoes you need, pack them carefully to save space, avoid dirtying other items and keep shoes from being deformed.
Choose suitable shoes and clean them before packing.
Before packing your shoes, it is important to choose the right suitcase or bag. If your trip is only a few days, a compact backpack or sports bag will be enough to carry your shoes and other items. For longer trips, a dedicated suitcase with a separate shoe compartment will help protect your shoes better and optimize space.
Before packing, you need to clean your shoes to avoid contaminating other items in your luggage. If your shoes smell, you can use deodorant tablets, dry tea bags, or activated charcoal inside to limit the smell from getting on your clothes.
Choose shoes that suit the purpose of the trip
When choosing shoes, you need to consider the purpose of the trip and the weather conditions. If you are going to the beach, you should wear sandals or breathable loafers. If the trip is for business purposes, choose formal shoes, while when traveling to explore, you will need comfortable shoes with good grip.
Avoid wearing brand new shoes on your trip as they can cause pain or blisters, which can ruin your experience. It is best to stick with shoes you are used to to ensure comfort.
For short trips, a versatile pair of shoes that can be matched with many types of clothes will help save space. On the contrary, for long trips, consider adding more options to change.
The general rule is to bring no more than three pairs: one pair of sneakers, one pair of casual or sandal shoes, and one spare pair for special occasions.
How to pack shoes
Each packing method will depend on the number of shoes you are bringing and the size of your suitcase. Here are three ways to save space and protect your shoes while traveling.
Arrange shoes by sole to sole method: This is a space-saving method and helps keep the shape of the shoes. You place the shoes so that the soles are facing each other, the toes of one shoe touch the heels of the other. You can stuff socks or small accessories inside the shoes to protect the shoes and prevent deformation. Then, put the shoes in a plastic bag or a special bag to avoid dirt.
Put shoes at the bottom of the suitcase to keep balance.: If you need to bring more shoes, you should put them at the bottom of the suitcase, near the wheels to avoid the suitcase tipping or falling over when moving. Wrap the shoes in a separate bag or waterproof bag to protect other items. Arrange the shoes in a shoe box style: heel to toe, sole facing down and put clothes on top to take advantage of the empty space.
Place in separate zippered compartment: If your suitcase has a separate compartment, you can put your shoes in there to keep your clothes clean. Arrange your shoes lengthwise with heels facing toes like in a shoe box. If there is space, you can stuff more clothes in between to keep the shoes in place.
Notes when packing shoes
Prepare early:Don’t rush packing at the last minute. Preparing early will help you optimize space, avoid forgetting things, and ensure your shoes are packed properly.
Lighten your luggage:If there is a weight limit on your luggage, consider carrying your heaviest shoes on your person instead of packing them in your suitcase, which will help reduce the load and keep your suitcase lighter.
Choosing the right shoes, packing properly and preparing mentally for the trip will not only help you keep your shoes safe but also save space and reduce stress when traveling.
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