
What to do to protect your eyes when staying up late watching football?

TB (according to VTC) July 2, 2024 12:05

Staying up late to watch football has many consequences such as work being delayed, affecting health, including eye diseases.

Nhiều người xem bóng đá bằng điện thoại có thể gây hại cho thể thủy tinh và hoàng điểm. (Ảnh minh hoạ)
Many people watching football on their phones can damage the lens and macula (Illustration photo)

According to Dr. Hoang Cuong, Central Eye Hospital, dry, tired eyes are the most common signs when you stay up late watching football. In addition to staring at the screen, posture and viewing distance also affect the eyes, making them more tired.

To limit this situation, you should maintain the most standard distance when watching TV, which is sitting 2.5 times the diagonal of the screen. In addition, you should let your eyes rest after every hour of watching football.

Many people also take advantage of watching on phones and computers, causing their eyes to strain too much to adjust, causing dry eyes, eye strain, and blue light poisoning from screens, which can later damage the lens and macula.

To deal with dry, tired eyes, people can use saline solution or artificial tears several times a day. You can keep the medicine in the refrigerator for better effect.

Eye drops are intended to lubricate the surface of the eyeball, and can prevent tear evaporation, including mucus and high molecular weight substances. When applied to the surface of the eyeball, tears will evaporate slowly, moisten and nourish the eyes better. As a lubricant, the discomfort caused by friction caused by opening and closing the eyes and glancing is also relieved. The three main substrates in this group of drugs with many different brand names are salts of hyaluronic acid, povidone, and cabomere.

Gels for bedtime use such as liposic eye gel, cornere gel, tear stimulants, treatment serums, immunomodulators, and punctal plugs are new weapons for treating dry eyes.

For mild dry eyes, just using a water-based type is enough. However, for more severe dry eyes, a combination of 2-3 types of medication may be required. At this point, see your doctor for a prescription. In addition, wearing glasses that create a moist chamber for the surface of the eyeball or placing a damp towel over your eyes when sleeping is also a very good way to moisten your eyes, creating a comfortable feeling.

Staying up late causes congestion of the whites of the eyes, resulting in red streaks. Some people also have bleeding on the whites of the eyes (subconjunctival hemorrhage) due to staying up late, shouting, and drinking alcohol. Although this type of hemorrhage is benign, it can cause discomfort for 1-2 weeks and affect aesthetics.

In these cases, doctors often prescribe antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vasoconstrictors such as nemydexan and tobradex. However, it should be noted that they should absolutely not be used for a long time.

Many people who stay up to watch football while drinking and in a state of intoxication or agitation, vomiting, can cause bleeding in the vitreous or fundus. Bleeding before - above or below the retina, bleeding in the macular area causes severe vision loss, feeling of floaters - flashes of light or soot rain.

Such complications are rare but are quite complicated to treat, and can leave behind sequelae such as reduced vision or blindness. These people often have to have their eyes bandaged or immobilized to prevent further bleeding, and use blood-thinning and blood-clotting drugs. In necessary cases, surgery is required to remove the blood clot.

For people with existing eye diseases, staying up late and having to work too hard while staring at the TV screen can also cause them to flare up and become worse. For example, conjunctivitis, which is a benign disease, can be prolonged by staying up late, smoking, and drinking alcohol.

Fatigue, staying up late, and heat can significantly reduce your immune system. Uveitis, central serous retinopathy, and Graves' ophthalmopathy are all chronic, cyclical diseases. During the football season, the cyclical nature of the disease can be ignored and become uncontrollable or recur.

Dr. Cuong recommends that no matter how passionate you are about football, you still need to make sure your eyes are reunited for at least 5 hours every night. Use artificial tears or eye drops when staying up late as prescribed by your doctor.

When your body is tired, take a rest. In addition, you need to drink enough water, you can also take some eye supplements containing vitamin ACE, vitamin B group: 1 - 2 - 6. The above drugs will provide complete nutritional, neurological, metabolic factors, fight against harmful oxidants, protect the eyes from stress.

TB (according to VTC)
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What to do to protect your eyes when staying up late watching football?