Science - Education

Hai Duong maintains tuition fees

THE ANH September 13, 2023 07:00

While waiting for the Government to issue a Decree amending and supplementing Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP and the directive document of the Ministry of Education and Training, the tuition fee in Hai Duong will be temporarily the same as that of the 2021-2022 school year.

Tuition fees for secondary school students in urban areas, rural areas, remaining areas, and mountainous areas are VND105,000, VND85,000, and VND60,000 per month, respectively. In the photo: Students of Minh Hoa Secondary School (Kinh Mon)

According to the Department of Education and Training, for the 2023-2024 school year, Hai Duong will temporarily implement the tuition fee collection level according to Resolution No. 07/2021/NQ-HDND dated October 29, 2021 of the Provincial People's Council stipulating the collection level, collection, payment, management and use of tuition fees at public preschools and general education schools under the province's management for the 2021-2022 school year.

Accordingly, the collection rate in urban areas for nurseries is 165,000 VND/month, kindergartens 135,000 VND/month; junior high schools 105,000 VND/month; high schools and continuing education institutions implementing general education programs are both 135,000 VND/month; and career guidance is 35,000 VND/month.

The fee in rural areas and the remaining areas is 125,000 VND/month for nursery schools, 105,000 VND/month for kindergartens; 85,000 VND/month for junior high schools; 105,000 VND/month for high schools and continuing education institutions implementing general education programs; and 30,000 VND/month for career guidance.

The fee in mountainous areas, nurseries, kindergartens, junior high schools, high schools, and continuing education facilities implementing general education programs is 60,000 VND/month; career guidance is 25,000 VND/month.

The policy of tuition fee exemption and reduction, and support for learning costs continues to be implemented according to Instruction No. 1507/SGDĐT-KHTC dated November 19, 2021 of the Department of Education and Training on tuition fee exemption and reduction; support for learning costs; management and use of tuition fees and other revenues in educational institutions in Hai Duong province. Service revenues are implemented according to the provisions of Resolution No. 08/2022/NQ-HDND dated December 8, 2022 of the Hai Duong Provincial People's Council stipulating tuition fee rates and the list of revenues, collection levels, revenue and expenditure management mechanisms for services serving and supporting educational activities at preschools, general education schools and other public educational and training institutions implementing general education programs in Hai Duong province.

Previously, Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha directed the amendment of Decree No. 81/2021/ND-CP in the direction of not increasing tuition fees for the 2023-2024 school year at all levels. Accordingly, the Department of Education and Training of Hai Duong has advised and instructed educational institutions to temporarily collect tuition fees at the same level as the 2021-2022 school year because the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 school year have increased compared to the 2021-2022 school year.

However, the 17th Provincial People's Council issued Resolution No. 36/NQ-HDND dated December 8, 2022 on supporting tuition fees for public educational institutions in the province for the 2022-2023 school year. Accordingly, the provincial budget will provide the difference between the tuition fees for the 2022-2023 school year, nearly VND 174.4 billion, for preschools, general education schools and other public educational institutions implementing general education programs that have not yet covered their regular expenses in the province.

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Hai Duong maintains tuition fees