On the morning of October 18, at the Multi-purpose Gymnasium of Co Thanh Secondary School, the Department of Education and Training of Chi Linh City organized the Science and Technology Innovation Competition for Secondary School Students (8th time) for the 2023-2024 school year.
The competition was attended by 19 secondary schools with 19 projects registered in two fields: chemistry, biomedical engineering, engineering physics and social and behavioral sciences. Many projects were highly applicable and received positive reviews at the competition. Some projects integrated multiple subjects, helping students develop their creativity and ability to apply them to real life, bringing economic, technical and social efficiency.
At the end of the competition, the Organizing Committee awarded the first prize in the field of social and behavioral sciences to the project of solutions for secondary school students to protect and preserve the purity of Vietnamese at Chu Van An Secondary School. The first prize in the field of chemistry, biomedicine and physics went to the project of automatic ventilation and reminder systems in school toilets at Tan Dan Secondary School. The Organizing Committee also awarded 3 second prizes, 7 third prizes and 7 fourth prizes in the field groups to the teams with high achievements in the competition.