Administrative map of 63 provinces and cities of Vietnam
Administrative map of 63 provinces and cities of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam shows the division and administrative management at the provincial level within the territory of Vietnam, including mainland, sea, islands and archipelagos across the country.

The administrative map of 63 provinces and cities of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was published by the Department of Surveying and Mapping, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (now the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment) at a scale of 1:9,000,000, showing the division and administrative management at the provincial level of Vietnam's territory including mainland, sea, islands and archipelagos across the country.
The content of the administrative map of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam with 63 provinces and cities is specified in Article 7 of Circular 47/2014/TT-BTNMT including:
- Mathematical basis elements: Frames in the map; latitude and longitude grid; coordinate points, national elevation; scale notes, scale ruler.
- Professional factors: National borders and administrative boundaries.
- Geographical background factors: Hydrology; terrain; population; socio-economics; transportation.
- Other elements: Map name; legend; population area table; supplementary map; name of the governing body; name of the unit that created the map; name and origin of the document that created it; name of the publisher and person responsible for publishing; name of the unit that printed the product; publishing license information; copyright; year of publication.