Japan creates website to help Vietnamese trainees reduce brokerage fees

July 29, 2022 14:52

According to records, the average amount that Vietnamese trainees have to pay to dispatching companies or brokerage units, or both, is the highest, up to 688,143 yen/person (5,164 USD/person).

Nhật Bản lập website giúp thực tập sinh Việt Nam giảm phí môi giới - Ảnh 1.

Leaders of the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Japan International Human Resources Development Organization signed a memorandum of understanding on the program of sending and receiving Vietnamese technical interns for technical internships in Japan - Photo: HA QUAN

According to Nikkei Asia, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is planning to set up a website for Vietnamese people to apply for the technical intern trainee program in Japan, with the aim of cutting down on the fees that Vietnamese trainees have to pay to brokers before coming to this country.

The website is expected to begin testing after April 2023 and become fully operational in 2024.

This website will provide information to those interested in applying for the technical intern training program in Japan about training opportunities in the country, including information about workplaces, salaries, and annual holidays.

After having the information, those in need will register directly with dispatching companies in Vietnam without going through brokerage units.

In addition to providing information on training opportunities in Japan, the website will allow trainees to record the fees they have paid to dispatching companies. The Vietnamese government will monitor the fees charged by dispatching companies and ensure that trainees do not have to pay fees higher than the regulations.

In addition, the website is also designed to handle complaints from interns in case they are forced to work under terms different from expectations.

Under Japan’s technical intern trainee program, dispatching companies licensed by the Vietnamese government are responsible for recruiting candidates and providing them with basic Japanese language courses. Currently, candidates have to pay fees to these dispatching companies and brokers.

Nikkei Asia said that about 17% of Vietnamese trainees participate in the program through brokers and have to pay an average brokerage fee of about 446,000 yen/person (3,300 USD/person).

According to the Immigration and Residence Affairs Agency of Japan (ISA), at the end of 2021, there were 276,123 foreign technical interns in Japan, of which 160,563 were Vietnamese, accounting for about 58%.

A recent survey by the ISA and the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT) found that 54.7% of foreign trainees were in debt before coming to Japan, with the average debt amounting to 547,788 yen per person (4,111 USD per person).

The average debt of Vietnamese trainees is 674,480 yen/person (5,061 USD/person), the highest among the countries sending trainees to Japan. Next are Cambodia and China with average debt of 566,889 yen/person (4,254 USD/person) and 528,847 yen/person (3,969 USD/person), respectively.

As many as 1,369 out of 2,184 foreign trainees surveyed disclosed the amount they paid to dispatching companies, brokers, or both, with an average of 542,311 yen ($4,069) per person.

The average amount that Vietnamese trainees had to pay to dispatching companies, or brokers, or both was the highest, reaching 688,143 yen/person (5,164 USD/person). Next were China and Cambodia, with the average amounts paid at 591,777 yen/person (4,441 USD) and 573,607 yen/person (4,304 USD), respectively.

According to Tuoi Tre

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    Japan creates website to help Vietnamese trainees reduce brokerage fees