If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should see a heart doctor immediately.
Chest pain: Chest pain is one of the most recognizable signs of heart disease. Although there are many other causes of chest pain that are not related to the heart, pressure on the chest that can affect the heart's pumping ability is something you should be especially concerned about, as it can be a sign that the heart may not be getting enough blood.
High blood pressure: Blood pressure is the force exerted by the heart to push blood through the capillaries. Increased force means the heart has to work harder to circulate blood and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Shortness of breath, heart palpitations, or dizziness: A cardiologist can determine if heart disease is the cause. These symptoms may be the result of an irregular heartbeat (also called arrhythmia) or coronary artery disease.
Diabetes: Heart disease and diabetes are closely related. Poorly controlled blood sugar affects the way blood vessels function and significantly increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease.
History of high blood cholesterol: Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in some foods and made by the liver in the body. High cholesterol can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries. One way you can lower your cholesterol is by eating a healthy diet.
Chronic kidney disease: If your kidneys are not working properly, your risk of heart disease increases significantly. Kidney disease is often associated with high blood pressure and artery disease.
Edema (especially in the ankles): Edema is the phenomenon of water retention in the subcutaneous tissues or internal organs in the body. The characteristic of cardiovascular edema is purple edema, most commonly in the legs (especially noticeable in the ankle area).
According to VOV