
Hai Duong cold and dry, lowest temperature 14 degrees

PV March 19, 2025 08:01

According to the National Center for Hydro-Meteorological Forecasting, today in Hanoi area, including Hai Duong, there will be no rain, cold and dry weather, with the lowest temperature of 14 degrees.

Hai Duong area no rain, cold weather

The cold air mass will continue to affect the Central Central region and some places in the South Central region. Strong northeast wind level 2-3, coastal areas level 3-4, some places gust level 6.

Weather forecast for March 19 in regions across the country:


Cloudy, no rain, sunny in the afternoon. Northeast wind level 2-3. Cold weather.

Lowest temperature: 14 -16 degrees. Highest temperature: 21 - 23 degrees.


Cloudy, with scattered showers and thunderstorms. Light wind. Cold, with severe cold in some places.

Lowest temperature: 13 - 16 degrees, some places below 10 degrees. Highest temperature: 18 - 21 degrees; some places above 21 degrees.


Cloudy, some rain, sunny in the afternoon. Northeast wind level 2 - 3. Cold, some mountainous areas have severe cold.

Lowest temperature: 13 - 16 degrees, in high mountainous areas some places below 10 degrees. Highest temperature: 20 - 23 degrees, in high mountainous areas some places below 17 degrees.

Thanh Hoa - Hue

Cloudy, some rain in the North; scattered rain in the South. North to northwest wind level 3 - 4. Cold.

Lowest temperature: 14 - 17 degrees. Highest temperature: 19 - 22 degrees.

Da Nang - Binh Thuan

In the North, it is cloudy with rain, showers and thunderstorms in some places; in the South, it is cloudy with showers and thunderstorms in some places. Northeast wind level 3-4, coastal areas have gusts of level 6 in some places. During thunderstorms, there is a possibility of tornadoes, lightning, hail and strong gusts of wind.

Lowest temperature: North 20 - 23 degrees; South 23 - 25 degrees. Highest temperature: North 23 - 26 degrees; South 27 - 30 degrees.

Hai Duong area:According to the provincial Hydrometeorological Station, due to the influence of the continental cold high pressure, the weather in localities in Hai Duong is forecast to be cloudy, no rain at night, sunny during the day, cold all day. Northeast wind level 2 - 3, highest temperature 20 degrees, lowest 14 degrees.