
3 industrial parks in Gia Loc, Tu Ky, Thanh Mien will attract about 28,000 workers

MINH NGUYEN March 2, 2025 08:00

Gia Loc III, Hung Dao, and Thanh Mien I industrial parks in Hai Duong, once completed, will create jobs for about 28,000 workers.

Hai Duong Provincial People's Council has approved the task of planning the construction of Gia Loc III Industrial Park, scale 1/2000.

At the recent 29th Session, the Provincial People's Council passed a Resolution approving the task of planning the construction of Gia Loc III Industrial Park, scale 1/2000. This industrial park is located in the administrative boundaries of Thong Nhat and Yet Kieu communes (Gia Loc). The north borders the agricultural land of Vo Luong village (Thong Nhat commune), the south borders the agricultural land of Phuong Xa village (Yet Kieu commune), the west borders the agricultural land of both Yet Kieu and Thong Nhat communes, the east borders the agricultural land of Yet Kieu and Lien Hong communes (Hai Duong city). The industrial park is about 130 hectares wide, expected to attract 7,500 workers.

hưng- đạo
Construction zoning plan of Hung Dao Industrial Park (Tu Ky), scale 1/2000

The Provincial People's Council also approved the 1/2000 scale zoning plan for the Hung Dao Industrial Park. The total area for the industrial park planning study is 212.8 hectares, of which the industrial park planning area is 199.52 hectares, expected to attract about 10,000 workers.

Hung Dao Industrial Park is located in the territory of 4 communes: Hung Dao, Ngoc Ky, Tai Son and Tan Ky (Tu Ky). The north borders the Hanoi - Hai Phong expressway, Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong - Quang Ninh railway; the south borders the agricultural land and residential area of ​​Tan Lap (Tan Ky commune); the east borders the agricultural land and residential areas of Trung Son, Thuong Son, Thiet Tai villages (Tai Son commune); the west borders the agricultural land and residential areas of Tu Ky Thuong, Dai Dinh, Kim Doi and Ngoc Ly villages (Ngoc Ky commune).

Construction zoning plan of Thanh Mien I industrial park, scale 1/2000

The Provincial People's Council has also approved the task of planning the construction of Thanh Mien I Industrial Park at a scale of 1/2000. The industrial park is located in the administrative boundaries of Doan Ket, Le Hong and Hong Quang communes. The planning study area is about 226 hectares, of which the planning area is about 200 hectares, expected to create jobs for 10,500 workers. This industrial park will contribute to shifting the economic structure of Thanh Mien district towards increasing the proportion of industry and services.