Labor - Employment

3 workers died while cleaning cement kiln

VN (according to VnExpress) January 24, 2025 20:36

While cleaning the furnace at the Song Lam II Cement Joint Stock Company factory, pieces of cement stuck to the top of the furnace fell, killing 3 workers on the afternoon of January 24.

Bên trong khuôn viên của nhà máy thuộc Công ty cổ phần xi măng Sông Lam 2. Ảnh: Hùng Lê
Inside the factory premises of Song Lam 2 Cement Joint Stock Company. Photo:HUNG LE

At around 2 p.m., a group of six male workers were cleaning and maintaining equipment inside the furnace at the Song Lam 2 Cement Joint Stock Company factory in Hamlet 6, Hoi Son Commune, Anh Son District.

During the work, pieces of cement stuck to the top of the furnace fell and crushed three workers. They were determined to have died of suffocation. The others were lucky to escape.

That same evening, authorities were handling the amount of material that had collapsed from the top of the mine to get the victims out.

The three workers who were injured lived in Phuc Son and Hoa Son communes, Anh Son district.

Authorities determined that the incident occurred due to a technical error during furnace maintenance.

VN (according to VnExpress)