Fans vote for Supachok's unfair goal as the best of the tournament
Fans flocked to vote for Supachok Sarachat's unfair play situation as the best goal of ASEAN Cup 2024.

According to statistics on the ASEAN Cup homepage, as of 1:30 p.m. on January 7, more than 2,700 fans participated in voting for the "Best Goal" of the tournament. Of which, 76.16% of the votes were for Supachok Sarachat (Thailand) with the goal that increased the score to 2-1 in the second leg of the final against the Vietnamese team on January 5. This is the scandalous goal of the player born in 1998.
Supachok Sarachat's shot was indeed a beautiful goal. However, the fans' vote for the Thai star could be considered a mockery. Previously, in the vote for the best goal of the second leg of the final, Supachok's goal also accounted for 72.12% of the votes.
Supachok’s goal was a bad example for Thailand in the second leg of the final. The striker did not return the ball after Vietnam kicked it out of bounds so that medical personnel could come in to tend to the injured player. Instead, he took the shot when the Vietnamese players were off guard.
Supachok argued that he was busy arguing with the referee in the previous play and did not know that the Vietnamese team had kicked the ball out, so he did not return the ball. However, when the referee suggested that the Thai team return a goal to the Vietnamese team, Supachok and his teammates refused.
The goal was technically beautiful but bad in terms of sportsmanship of the Thai team.
Immediately after Thailand scored an unsportsmanlike goal, Vietnam team captain Do Duy Manh immediately rushed over to have a harsh talk with the opposing player.
"I told Supachok, 'Why did you play like that? You're playing in Japan and that's not allowed.' The opposing team's player said he didn't know if the Vietnamese team was really in pain or pretending. Supachok should feel ashamed," Duy Manh recounted the controversial situation.