Education and training

Vietnamese professor becomes editor-in-chief of world's leading scientific journal

TB (according to VnExpress) January 1, 2025 10:49

Professor Duong Quang Trung is the first Vietnamese to be appointed by the International Electrical and Electronics Association (IEEE) as editor-in-chief of a prestigious scientific journal.

Professor Duong Quang Trung

Duong Quang Trung, 44, a professor at Memorial University in Newfoundland, Canada and Queen's University Belfast, UK, started working at IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IEEE COMST) on January 1.

This is the largest journal in the IEEE system of 336 journals. Mr. Trung is the first Vietnamese to hold the position of editor-in-chief. His term lasts 2 years.

Professor Trung said he would be responsible for the overall content published, making the final decision on whether to approve or reject an article.

"I am very proud to be the head of IEEE's most prestigious journal, and will strive to continue to develop the journal to become an important source of information for researchers and professionals working in the fields of telecommunications and mobile information systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and quantum computing," said Professor Trung.

IEEE COMST has an Impact Factor of 34.4 and a CiteScore (Scopus) citation index of 80.2. This journal ranks first among nearly 700 journals in the field of electrical and electronics, according to SCimago (journal ranking data), and second among nearly 3,000 journals in the science and engineering group.

Professor Duong Quang Trung is from Hoi An, Quang Nam, graduated in electrical and electronics from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. He then studied for a master's degree in Korea and then received a doctorate in telecommunication systems in Sweden (2012).

He is a famous scientist in the field of telecommunications and computer engineering, 5G and 6G networks with more than 550 research works. Of these, 350 articles are listed in the ISI category - a prestigious database of the American Institute for Scientific Information.

In 2013, he was appointed professor at Queen's University Belfast, one of the top 24 universities in the UK (Russell Group). Professor Trung is the only person in the UK to be awarded two prestigious research awards by the Royal Academy of Engineering, including a Research Fellowship (2016) and a Research Chair (2020).

He also received the Newton Prize for outstanding research from the UK Government in 2017; and was honored three times with outstanding research at the world's largest mobile communications conference (IEEE Globecom) in 2016, 2019 and 2022.

In addition to the award, Professor Trung has received numerous research grants, totaling more than $40 million. In 2022 alone, the research team he leads and several others will receive £12 million ($15.2 million) from the UK government to develop technologies for new, flexible, and scalable mobile networks beyond 5G and 6G.

In late November 2023, he was appointed by the Canadian Government as Canada Excellence Research Chair, with a grant of CAD 8 million (USD 5.9 million) to lead research on next-generation wireless mobile technology.

Stanford University (USA) and Scopus (a prestigious database, owned by Elsevier Publishing House, Netherlands) rate Professor Trung as one of the most influential scientists in the field of wireless communications and signal processing.

IEEE - the place that appointed Professor Trung - is the largest technical professional association in the world today.

TB (according to VnExpress)