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Finalize teacher salary increase according to 2 regimes?

. December 22, 2024 09:13

Question: When reforming salaries, will the salary increase for teachers at all levels be finalized according to two regimes: regular and early salary increase?

QUYNH CHI (Cam Giang)

Reply:According to Conclusion 83-KL/TW in 2024, the Politburo assigned the Government Party Committee to direct the Government to implement public sector salary reform according to a roadmap, step by step, reasonably, cautiously and feasibly.

In sub-section 5.2, section 5 of Conclusion 83-KL/TW in 2024, the Politburo requested the Central Economic Commission to preside over the preliminary review of the implementation of Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, in which it coordinates with the Party Committee of the Ministry of Home Affairs and relevant ministries, branches and sectors to study and assess the suitability, feasibility and propose the implementation of 5 new salary tables and 9 new allowance regimes of the public sector for submission to the Central Committee for consideration after 2026 when the Politburo promulgates and implements the system of Job Position Lists in the political system.

In section 3.1.c, sub-section 3, section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, it is stated that salary reform will build and issue a new salary table system according to job positions, titles and leadership positions to replace the current salary table system; convert old salaries to new salaries, ensuring that they are not lower than current salaries. Specifically, teachers who are civil servants will have the following 2 new salary tables built:

- Develop a salary table for positions applicable to cadres, civil servants, and public employees holding leadership positions (elected and appointed) in the political system from central to communal level.

- Develop a professional and technical salary table according to civil servant ranks and professional titles applicable to civil servants and public employees who do not hold leadership positions.

In addition, in section 3.1.c, sub-section 3, section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW in 2018, it is also clearly stated that one of the factors determined to design the new salary table when reforming salary is to perfect the regular salary increase regime and early salary increase to comply with the provisions of the new salary table.

Thus, if the situation is suitable and nothing changes, after 2026, the Central Government will consider and propose the implementation of 5 new salary scales and 9 new allowance regimes of the public sector accordingly.

In case of approval, teachers at all levels will be built with 2 new salary scales according to job position, title and leadership position, ensuring that the salary transfer from old to new is not lower than the current salary. One of the factors to design the new teacher salary scale is to complete 2 regimes of regular salary increase and early salary increase to comply with the regulations of the new salary scale.
