Proposal to dismiss the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Transport
In the afternoon session on November 27, the National Assembly listened to and then discussed in groups the proposal to approve the dismissal of the positions of Minister of Finance and Minister of Transport for the 2021-2026 term.

Content 1:Under the direction of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong, the National Assembly held a plenary session in the hall, listening to Member of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on National Defense and Security Le Tan Toi present a report explaining, accepting and revising the draft Law on People's Air Defense; then, the National Assembly voted to pass the law by electronic voting, with the following results: 449 delegates participated in the vote (equal to 93.74% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 449 delegates approved (equal to 93.74% of the total number of National Assembly delegates).
Content 2:Under the direction of Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, the National Assembly listened to the report of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Chairwoman of the Social Committee of the National Assembly Nguyen Thuy Anh explaining, accepting and revising the draft Law on Trade Unions (amended); then, the National Assembly voted to pass the law by electronic voting, with the following results: 456 delegates participated in the vote (equal to 95.20% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 443 delegates approved (equal to 92.48% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 5 delegates did not approve (equal to 1.04% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 8 delegates did not vote (equal to 1.67% of the total number of National Assembly delegates).
Content 3:Under the direction of Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, the National Assembly listened to the report of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Education of the National Assembly Nguyen Dac Vinh on explaining, accepting and revising the draft Resolution of the National Assembly on investment policy for the national target program on cultural development for the period 2025-2035; then, the National Assembly voted to pass the resolution by electronic voting, with the following results: 454 delegates participated in the vote (equal to 94.78% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 430 delegates approved (equal to 89.77% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 13 delegates did not approve (equal to 2.71% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 11 delegates did not vote (equal to 2.30% of the total number of National Assembly delegates).
Content 4:Under the direction of Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, the National Assembly discussed in the hall the draft Law on Employment (amended). At the discussion session, 25 National Assembly deputies spoke. The deputies basically agreed with the necessity of promulgating the Law on Employment (amended) to contribute to institutionalizing the Party's viewpoint on the goal of creating sustainable jobs, improving the quality of human resources and supporting the development of a synchronous, flexible, integrated labor market under the management of the State. In addition, the deputies focused on discussing the following contents: subjects of application; explanation of terms; State policies on employment; prohibited acts; credit policies for job creation; subjects and conditions for borrowing capital to support job creation, maintaining and expanding jobs, working abroad under contracts; support for career and job conversion for workers in rural areas; employment support policies for youth, ethnic minorities, and the elderly; vocational skills development; national vocational skills standards, the National Vocational Skills Council and National Vocational Skills Assessors; labor registration and management; unemployment insurance (unemployment insurance payment; procedures, conditions, and duration of unemployment benefits; complaints, denunciations, and handling of violations of unemployment insurance; Unemployment Insurance Fund); conditions for supporting workers to participate in training and retraining to improve vocational skills; Employment Service Center; labor market information system. At the end of the discussion session, Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung spoke to explain and clarify a number of issues raised by National Assembly deputies.
From 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.: The National Assembly holds a plenary session in the hall, carrying out the following activities:
Content 1:Under the direction of Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, the National Assembly listened to the report of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Chairwoman of the Social Committee of the National Assembly Nguyen Thuy Anh explaining, accepting and revising the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Social Insurance; then, the National Assembly voted to pass the Law by electronic voting, with the following results: 455 delegates participated in the vote (equal to 94.99% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 446 delegates approved (equal to 93.11% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 6 delegates did not approve (equal to 1.25% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 3 delegates did not vote (equal to 0.63% of the total number of National Assembly delegates).
Content 2:Under the direction of Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Thanh, the National Assembly listened to the report of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Chairwoman of the Social Committee of the National Assembly Nguyen Thuy Anh on explaining, accepting and revising the draft Resolution on investment policy for the national target program on drug prevention and control until 2030; then, the National Assembly voted to pass the Resolution by electronic voting, with the following results: 456 delegates participated in the vote (equal to 95.20% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), 453 delegates approved (equal to 94.57% of the total number of National Assembly delegates), and 3 delegates did not vote (equal to 0.63% of the total number of National Assembly delegates).
Content 3:Under the direction of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai, the National Assembly discussed the draft Law on Special Consumption Tax (amended). At the discussion session, 15 National Assembly deputies spoke and 1 National Assembly deputy debated. The deputies basically agreed on the necessity of promulgating the Law on Special Consumption Tax (amended) to concretize the Party's guidelines and policies on strengthening the protection, care and improvement of people's health in the new situation and restructuring the state budget, overcoming the limitations and shortcomings of the current Law. In addition, the deputies focused on discussing the following contents: subjects subject to special consumption tax; subjects not subject to special consumption tax; authority to regulate subjects subject to tax and subjects not subject to tax; basis for calculating tax; time for determining special consumption tax; tax rates; tax refunds, tax deductions; taxable prices; tax reductions; effective date; implementation organization. At the end of the discussion session, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc explained and clarified a number of issues raised by National Assembly deputies.
Content 4:Under the direction of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai, the National Assembly listened to the following contents: (i) Permanent Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Hoa Binh, authorized by the Prime Minister, presented the Report on continuing the investment policy of the Ninh Thuan nuclear power project. (ii) Chairman of the National Assembly's Committee on Science, Technology and Environment Le Quang Huy presented the examination report on continuing the investment policy of the Ninh Thuan nuclear power project.
The session was broadcast live on Vietnam National Assembly Television.
From 16:30: The National Assembly meets separately to conduct the following activities:
Content 5:Under the direction of Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Nguyen Duc Hai, the National Assembly listened to the following contents: (i) Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Ho Duc Phoc, authorized by the Prime Minister, presented a report on supplementing the 2024 state budget expenditure estimates for ministries, central agencies and localities to implement the basic salary level as prescribed in Decree No. 73/2024/ND-CP of the Government. (ii) Chairman of the National Assembly's Finance and Budget Committee Le Quang Manh presented a report on the verification of supplementing the 2024 state budget expenditure estimates for ministries, central agencies and localities to implement the basic salary level as prescribed in Decree No. 73/2024/ND-CP of the Government.
Content 6:Under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, the National Assembly listened to Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh present a proposal requesting the National Assembly to approve the dismissal of the positions of Minister of Finance and Minister of Transport for the 2021-2026 term; then, the National Assembly discussed in groups the proposal to approve the dismissal of the positions of Minister of Finance and Minister of Transport for the 2021-2026 term.
Thursday, November 28, 2024, morning:From 8:00 to 8:30: The National Assembly holds a separate meeting on personnel work. From 8:30 to 11:00: The National Assembly discusses in the hall the draft Law on Corporate Income Tax (amended). From 11:00: The National Assembly holds a separate meeting on personnel work.
Afternoon: From 2:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.: The National Assembly votes to pass the Resolution on piloting the handling of evidence and assets during the investigation, prosecution and trial of a number of criminal cases and the Law on Prevention and Combat of Human Trafficking (amended); then, the National Assembly discusses in the hall the draft Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Law on Technical Standards and Regulations. From 4:15 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.: The National Assembly listens to the submission, the examination report and discusses in the hall the draft Resolution of the National Assembly on reducing value added tax. From 5:15 p.m.: The National Assembly holds a separate meeting on personnel work.