Education and training

Tentatively identified 10 students with the highest scores in the 9th grade excellent student exam in Hai Duong city

THE ANH October 9, 2024 17:23

Among the 10 students with the highest scores in the 9th grade excellent student exam (round 1) in Hai Duong city, Le Quy Don Secondary School has 7 students.

Hai Duong City students compete to select excellent 9th grade students (round 1) for the 2024-2025 school year at the city level at Ngoc Chau Secondary School

According to the results of the 9th grade excellent student exam (round 1) for the 2024-2025 school year of Hai Duong City, it is temporarily determined that there are 10 students with the highest scores in 9 subjects.

That is Dang Quang Vu Binh, Binh Minh Secondary School, 9 points in math.

At Le Quy Don Secondary School, there are 7 students, including: Vu Thanh Hai with 9 points in chemistry; Do Hai Hoang with 8.38 points in physics; Nguyen Gia Phat and Dam Thi Thao Nhi both with 8.35 points in English; Nguyen Khac Phong with 7.75 points in information technology; Luong Hoang Linh with 7.5 points in literature; Dang Bao Chau with 8.75 points in geography.

At Ngoc Chau Secondary School, there are 2 students: Trinh Anh Duong with 8 points in biology and Nguyen Thi Thanh Thao with 7.95 points in history.

Scores may change due to the time remaining for the Hai Duong City Department of Education and Training to review the exam.

Previously, on October 5, nearly 600 students from Hai Duong City took part in the city-level competition for excellent 9th grade students (round 1) for the 2024-2025 school year at Ngoc Chau Secondary School. Students took the exam in math, literature, English, information technology, natural sciences (according to the sub-subjects of biology, chemistry, physics), history and geography (according to the sub-subjects of history and geography). This is the first year that Hai Duong City has organized an exam for excellent students in information technology.

The Department of Education and Training of Hai Duong City will select candidates with the highest scores from 1st to 25th to continue to round II. Those with the same score at 25th place will all take round II. At the end of round II, the Department of Education and Training of Hai Duong City will select the best candidates to participate in the provincial exam.

View test scoreshere.