It is necessary to include General Secretary To Lam's new viewpoint on digital transformation in the documents of the 14th National Congress.
It is necessary to thoroughly grasp the especially important new viewpoints of General Secretary and President To Lam on digital transformation in the upcoming 14th National Congress documents so that digital transformation is truly a revolution bringing the country into a new era.

On the occasion of the 79th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day September 2, General Secretary and President To Lam wrote an important article on "Digital transformation - an important driving force for developing productive forces, perfecting production relations, bringing the country into a new era".
In which, the General Secretary and President emphasized many remarkable new perspectives on the role of digital transformation in the country's development process in the new situation.
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Vu Van Phuc, Vice Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Party Agencies, former Editor-in-Chief of Communist Magazine, answered an interview about this issue.
4 new perspectives on digital transformation
How do you evaluate the General Secretary's new views on digital transformation?
In the article, General Secretary and President To Lam expressed very new and highly theoretical views on the particularly important role of digital transformation.
Firstly, General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed: There must be a digital transformation revolution to develop the country in the new era.
Digital transformation is not simply the application of digital technology to socio-economic activities, but also the process of establishing a new, advanced and modern production method - "digital production method".
Second, the new viewpoints in the article by General Secretary and President To Lam are completely consistent with the theory of socio-economic forms of Marxism-Leninism, but are applied and creatively developed in the new context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to develop the country quickly and sustainably in the new era.
Third, General Secretary and President To Lam explained very clearly the basic law of Marxism-Leninism: Production relations are suitable to a certain level of development of productive forces in the revolution - digital transformation.
The General Secretary stated: “We are facing the need for a revolution with strong and comprehensive reforms to adjust production relations, creating new momentum for development. That is the digital transformation revolution, applying science and technology to restructure production relations in line with the remarkable progress of the productive forces..., the characteristic of the productive forces is the harmonious combination of humans and artificial intelligence; data becomes a resource, an important means of production; at the same time, production relations also have profound changes, especially in the form of ownership and distribution of digital means of production”.

In addition, the General Secretary also affirmed: “Artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), big data and cloud computing are gradually becoming important production tools in many industries and fields. Infrastructure, especially digital infrastructure... creates the foundation for the development of the digital economy and digital society.”
General Secretary and President To Lam also pointed out: “In the relationship between productive forces and production relations, productive forces play a decisive role in the development of production relations. Production relations must be constantly adjusted to suit the increasingly high level of productive forces. When production relations do not keep up with the development of productive forces, they will become an obstacle, hindering the progressive development of the entire mode of production, thereby affecting the overall development of the country."
Fourth, General Secretary and President To Lam thoroughly analyzed the law of the dialectical relationship between infrastructure and superstructure in the context of digital transformation.
The General Secretary analyzed: “The change in production relations will strongly impact the superstructure, open up new methods of social governance, create new tools in state management, fundamentally change the way the State and citizens interact, and between social classes. The digital transformation process needs to be carried out comprehensively and synchronously, taking into account the dialectical relationship between infrastructure and superstructure, in order to build a socialist-oriented market economy, both promoting the strength of modern productive forces and ensuring the good nature of the socialist regime, suitable to the specific conditions of Vietnam in the new era”.
In my opinion, this is completely consistent with the law of dialectical relationship between infrastructure and superstructure in the context of digital transformation.
New momentum brings the country into a new era
In the article, General Secretary and President To Lam pointed out 4 key tasks that need to be carried out in the coming time to make digital transformation a true revolution. To do this, what do you think needs to change?

In the article, General Secretary and President To Lam affirmed: Digital transformation must truly be a revolution bringing the country into a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise.
To successfully carry out the revolution - digital transformation, successfully implementing the direction of General Secretary and President To Lam, in my opinion, there need to be some fundamental changes.
One is to change awareness and have a new mindset about the revolution - digital transformation.
Second, have high political determination and take drastic actions to successfully carry out the revolution - digital transformation.
Third, mobilize the combined strength of the entire Party, people, army and political system to successfully carry out the revolution - digital transformation.
Fourth, focus on building, perfecting and effectively implementing in practice institutions, mechanisms and policies for digital transformation, digital economy and society.
Fifth, unleash and maximize all social resources, especially human resources - the decisive factor of innovation and revolution - digital transformation.
Sixth, realize the mechanism: Party leadership, State management, People mastery in implementing the revolution - digital transformation.
Seventh, ensure security and safety during the implementation of the revolution - digital transformation.
In your opinion, how should these issues be realized in the documents of the upcoming 14th National Party Congress?
It must be affirmed that both in theory and practice, the views in the article of General Secretary and President To Lam have been proven to be completely correct, far-sighted, and consistent with the rapid development of science and technology, especially the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Currently, the entire Party, people and army are determined and making great efforts to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress, prepare for Party Congresses at all levels, and move towards the 14th National Party Congress.
Therefore, I think that in the process of preparing documents for Party Congresses at all levels, especially the documents for the 14th Party Congress, we need to thoroughly grasp the new viewpoints and especially important guiding thoughts of General Secretary and President To Lam on digital transformation.
Because this is the revolution that creates a new breakthrough, a new driving force in developing productive forces and perfecting production relations, bringing the country into a new era - the era of the Vietnamese people's rise: rich, strong, democratic, civilized, prosperous, happy, steadily moving towards socialism.