Education and training

Many new things in the new school year 2024-2025

THE ANH September 4, 2024 11:00

The 2024-2025 school year is a particularly important year in the roadmap for general education innovation, requiring both teachers and students in Hai Duong to continue to make efforts and be determined to innovate to meet the new 2018 general education program.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc, a 5th grade teacher at Tan Binh Primary School (Hai Duong City) has a plan to innovate testing, evaluation, and promote students' qualities and abilities.

Continue to innovate student testing and assessment

One of the key tasks that schools are determined to effectively implement in the 2024-2025 school year is to continue to innovate testing and evaluating students according to the new 2018 general education program.

This school year, Tan Binh Primary School (Hai Duong City) has about 1,300 students. In addition to preparing well for facilities and staff, the school has also developed a plan for the school year with the goal of continuous innovation and improving the quality of education.

The school encourages and facilitates teachers to implement teaching and testing methods, and evaluate students' abilities. Teachers actively participate in professional training at school and inter-school levels, thereby accumulating and innovating assessment methods, test-making methods, and testing in an open direction, approaching students' abilities.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc, a 5th grade teacher at Tan Binh Primary School, said that in order to innovate testing and student assessment, teachers must also innovate their teaching methods. Ms. Ngoc will apply active methods, guiding students to develop self-assessment skills to adjust their own learning methods instead of teachers only assessing students as before. Teachers become designers, organizers, and guides of independent or small group activities so that students can acquire knowledge on their own instead of passive teaching and learning, one-way knowledge transfer as before.

“The testing and assessment of students will be carried out throughout the entire lesson, class… To do this, I have to innovate, introduce advanced educational methods, create excitement for students, so that they can express their abilities such as the tablecloth method, the puzzle piece method. These are methods that combine individuals, groups and connections between groups. Innovate the oral test at the beginning of class with gentle, lively forms such as games, group songs to start the class with excitement", Ms. Ngoc said.

According to some school principals, if in the past, assessing students' learning outcomes often focused on testing their ability to reproduce learned knowledge, now the focus will be on assessing their ability to creatively apply knowledge in different situations. In assessing students' learning achievements, attention will be paid to the entire learning process, using different forms and methods, so that students can self-evaluate and cross-evaluate each other...

10th grade high school exam according to new general education program

A review session of teachers and students of grade 9 at Nguyen Trai Secondary School (Nam Sach)

This year, for the first time, 9th graders will take the entrance exam to 10th grade, and 12th graders will take the high school graduation exam according to the 2018 general education program, requiring both teachers and students to make determined efforts to innovate. Schools in the province have quickly developed plans to prepare the best for students.

This school year, Nguyen Trai Secondary School (Nam Sach) has 165 ninth graders. Ms. Le Thi Thuy, Principal of the school, said that in addition to preparing well for facilities, teaching staff, and teaching equipment according to the new general education program, the school has developed a school year plan, focusing on teaching and reviewing for ninth graders.

Since the summer, teachers have been trained in professional skills, including the content of compiling assessment questions and building periodic test questions. Because there is no longer a bonus point for excellent students when taking the 10th grade entrance exam, it has more or less affected the students' psychology. Therefore, in order to achieve the "dual" goal of ensuring the quality of the 9th grade excellent student exam and the 10th grade exam, in August, the school organized 2 meetings with 9th grade students to encourage them. It is expected that in the new school year, the school will continue to organize meetings with parents to work together to improve the quality of education.

The school will shift to teaching and reviewing all subjects of math, literature, English, natural sciences and history - geography, instead of focusing on reviewing only 3 subjects of math, literature and English as before. The school has also organized experimental teaching of each subject to gain experience in building an education plan for the new school year.

“The school will conduct regular surveys, even increasing the number of surveys in each semester according to the structure of the questions. After each survey, the school will analyze the quality of each subject, each class, and each student group to promptly have solutions to adjust. After each survey, there will be rewards to encourage teachers and students with good achievements to create a competitive movement. The school leaders also actively attend surprise classes and review sessions of each teacher,” said Ms. Thuy.

Expected change in calculating average score of 10th grade high school exam

From the 2024-2025 school year, the Hai Duong Department of Education and Training plans to calculate the average score of the 10th grade high school exam to consider the competition of localities and schools in the direction of ranking by total score/number of junior high school graduates. Thus, the competition will no longer be calculated in the traditional way of ranking the total score/number of candidates taking the exam.

In fact, in recent years, there have been schools that have excessively divided students, leading to many students not taking the 10th grade exam, which is a disadvantage for students. Some students, due to poor academic performance, decided not to take the 10th grade exam in the second semester and neglected their studies. In one class, some students studied for the 10th grade, but some did not. This greatly affects the overall quality of education and knowledge of students at the secondary school level.

Calculating the total score/number of students graduating from secondary school will create fairness for schools and localities. If done this way, all students will be able to take the 10th grade exam without affecting the student stream after secondary school.

Mr. Do Duy Hung, Deputy Director of Hai Duong Department of Education and Training

Early provision of teaching equipment according to the new general education program

To meet the requirements for developing students' capacity according to the new 2018 general education program, in addition to program content and textbooks, teaching aids and equipment play an important role.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Training has issued circulars on the list of minimum teaching equipment and supplies for each level of education, clearly stating the teaching subject, equipment name, purpose of use, etc. Based on the circulars of the Ministry, schools will be provided with appropriate equipment and supplies to teach students from the beginning of the school year.

But up to now, although it has entered the final year of changing textbooks according to the new general education program, except for grade 1, the remaining grades have not been provided with teaching equipment and materials. It is known that the province has allocated more than 200 billion VND to purchase teaching equipment according to the new general education program but is currently facing many difficulties due to many objective reasons.

Because they have not been provided with the required equipment, teachers are having to make their own equipment, use illustrations on the internet, and utilize old equipment and teaching aids to teach. This means that teachers are under more pressure, students are disadvantaged, and the quality of education will be affected.

Therefore, it is recommended that relevant levels and sectors have solutions to promptly provide teaching equipment according to the new general education program for schools.

Ms. Mac Thi Trang, teacher at Pham Su Manh Secondary School (Kinh Mon)

Promote advanced educational methods in schools

In recent years, some advanced educational methods such as STEM, STEAM... have been introduced into schools, helping students form skills, develop qualities and capacities, meeting the requirements of the 2018 general education program.

Having 2 children in secondary school, we, as parents, have noticed the excitement of our children when learning the STEM and STEAM educational methods. This is a curriculum based on the idea of ​​equipping students with knowledge and skills related to the fields of science, technology, engineering, mathematics and arts in an interdisciplinary approach; students can apply it to solve problems in their daily lives.

For example, through group work, children come up with solutions to protect the environment, prepare materials such as milk cartons, plastic bottles, scrap paper, etc., and then come up with recycling ideas to create rich and diverse products. Thus, students can participate in activities, discuss and present their opinions. Therefore, the value of STEM education lies not only in the products students create, but more importantly, in the implementation process. Students are trained in skills such as teamwork, presentation, problem solving and situation handling.

This is an advanced educational method, however, there are schools that have not boldly applied this method. To effectively implement the new general education program 2018, schools should promote and effectively apply advanced educational methods such as STEM, STEAM in teaching.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Hanh, Binh Han ward (Hai Duong city)