People who should not drink coconut water
Coconut water is clean, sterile, and delicious, but some people need to be careful when using this drink to avoid affecting their health.
Many people believe that drinking coconut water is more effective than drinking many rare herbs. However, 3 groups of people should limit drinking coconut water to avoid affecting their health.
Who should not drink coconut water?
People with low blood pressure:Coconut water has the effect of lowering blood pressure. If you already have low blood pressure, it can cause dizziness.
People prone to allergies:Some people are allergic to coconut water, which leads to frequent loose stools after drinking it.
People with hyperkalemia:People with hyperkalemia (fatigue, weakness, palpitations, muscle spasms, paralysis, paresthesia) due to kidney failure leading to reduced blood flow to the heart, rapid heartbeat. These people should not drink coconut water because coconut water contains a lot of potassium.

3 amazing benefits of coconut water
Young coconuts when formed contain water inside. From then until they are old (about 10-12 months), the coconut water will "mature" and settle, forming the "coconut flesh" as we see it. However, eating and drinking coconut water 6-7 months old is the best.
Coconut water is 94% pure water and very low in fat. 200-250ml of coconut water contains 60 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrates, 8 grams of sugar, 4% of calcium needs, 4% of magnesium needs, 2% of phosphorus needs, 15% of the body's daily potassium needs as well as many other important minerals.
Oxidation of cells causes the body to age rapidly, the skin to wrinkle, and creates free radicals that cause dangerous diseases, including cancer. A 2012 study on experimental animals with insulin-resistant diabetes showed that giving animals coconut water reduced the activity of free radicals, thereby reducing oxidation.
Another study on animals showed that damaged liver cells can be restored much better if they drink coconut water compared to animals that do not drink it. In 2016, scientists discovered that coconut water can reduce oxidation, thereby reducing cholesterol levels in animals with lipid metabolism disorders.
Improve health for diabetics
A 2015 study on diabetic mice that were given coconut water regularly maintained better blood sugar levels and HbA1C levels (an indicator of average blood sugar levels over several months) than mice that did not drink coconut water.
In 2021, a study on mice also showed that coconut water reduced blood sugar levels in diabetic mice. Coconut water contains magnesium, which helps increase insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar in people with type II diabetes and prediabetes.
Reduce the risk of kidney failure
Kidney stones are usually caused by calcium oxalate salts combining with other compounds to form crystals that deposit in the kidneys, which in turn form small stones. Coconut water prevents crystals from sticking to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract (ureters, bladder), reducing the number of crystals formed in the urine, eliminating waste, thus reducing the risk of stone formation.
Above is the information to answer the question "who should not drink coconut water", depending on how to use and depending on the medical condition, consider whether to use it or not.