Follow Uncle Ho's example

55 years of implementing Uncle Ho's Testament: A document of historical and contemporary value

VN (according to VNA) August 29, 2024 09:14

According to historian John Callow, Uncle Ho's Testament is a guideline for political action and principles, acting as a political platform containing eternal values.

Nhà sử học John Callow, cựu Giám đốc Trung tâm lưu trữ, Bảo tàng Thư viện Marx tại London. (Ảnh: Minh Hợp/TTXVN)
Historian John Callow, former Director of the Archives, Marx Library Museum, London

President Ho Chi Minh's Testament is a historical document of profound practical and theoretical value not only for Vietnam but also for the world. British historian John Callow made such an assessment on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the implementation of Uncle Ho's Testament.

According to historian John Callow, former Director of the Archives Center, Marx Library Museum in London, the Testament is not dogmatic or mechanical, but a guideline for political action and principles, with the nature of a political platform containing eternal values, a guide to action that can be creatively applied in all situations.

Overall assessment, the British historian said that the Testament goes deep into almost every field, summarizing all the thoughts, hopes and dreams of President Ho Chi Minh as well as his ideological, moral and style foundations, summarizing the life of a humble, exemplary leader who always put the people in his heart.

As someone who has spent many years researching President Ho Chi Minh and is a long-time friend of Vietnam, Mr. John Callow believes that President Ho Chi Minh's Testament is a document of trust and confidence between the leaders and the people, truthfully recording Uncle Ho's hopes, dreams and aspirations for future generations.

With profound humanistic thoughts, the Testament brings to the Vietnamese people an optimistic spirit that the road ahead, no matter how difficult, the final destination will be an equal and fair society, where women are respected as much as men, where children can develop their full potential.

According to historians, for the Communist Party and the Vietnamese people, President Ho Chi Minh's Testament is like a second Constitution, containing noble values ​​of his ideology, morality and style.

Mr. John Callow pointed out that the Will protects the rights, hopes and dreams of the Vietnamese people from women, men to children, and the continuation of the path of national independence and socialism that Uncle Ho chose and led.

Historians were particularly impressed by the profound human values ​​expressed in Uncle Ho's Will, stating that President Ho Chi Minh was always mindful of the pain of his compatriots and the entire nation devastated by war, Agent Orange, napalm bombs... On the path he chose, Uncle accepted these sufferings and losses for the future of the nation, believing that these were worthy sacrifices.

The historian asserts that, distilled into just a few pages, the Testament converges the core elements of Ho Chi Minh's Thought, with six-eight verses alongside the glorification of Marxism-Leninism. It is a combination of the new and the old, the unchanging, the eternal, and at the same time the pinnacle of political thought, science and technology with the aim of serving the people.

According to the British historian, although the world has changed, President Ho Chi Minh's legacy still brings life, contains strength and inspires the Vietnamese people as well as all progressive people in the world.

Mr. Callow emphasized that over the past 55 years, Vietnam has implemented the Testament in accordance with Uncle Ho's spirit, while absorbing the values ​​and quintessence of countries around the world.

VN (according to VNA)