Proposal to establish a National Rice Council
Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan worked with Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien on the proposal to establish a National Rice Council.

According to Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan, rice is not only for export but also for domestic consumption, not only for economy but also for diplomacy; not only for export but also for import... The rice industry is also related to climate change adaptation and green growth, so there is a project for sustainable development of 1 million hectares of rice specializing in high-quality and low-emission rice associated with green growth in the Mekong Delta by 2030 for the industry to develop more sustainably. Rice grains are also a national image.
According to Minister Le Minh Hoan, in addition to overcoming the limitations of the rice industry, the National Rice Council will quickly handle "hot" issues such as when Thailand, India... have new, sudden policies on rice export; or when the ST 25 rice brand is counterfeited...
According to Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien, rice production is still fragmented, technology is not advanced, and the lives of some rice farmers are still difficult. Rice export still depends on traditional markets and has not diversified markets. Enterprises have not taken the initiative in input materials, except for some large enterprises, the rest are not very professional, and enterprises are still in a situation of "giving up the tray for the bowl".
Minister Nguyen Hong Dien said that Vietnamese rice is completely capable of meeting the needs of high-quality, demanding markets. Although there is a Vietnamese rice brand, it has not been used in production and export activities. Enterprises have not joined forces to protect the brand. Many export enterprises lack professionalism, and there is unfair competition.
Some markets are very demanding, but Vietnamese rice has found a place thanks to the efforts of the Government and ministries. However, soon after, Vietnamese rice exporting enterprises could not maintain the market.
The rice production industry still lacks a stable and solid development strategy and policy, and there is still spontaneity in production and in each enterprise. State investment in rice production, business and export is not commensurate. This is a key industry but investment is still too small.
"If this council is established, it will have to advise the Government on strong and feasible policies so that Vietnamese rice has value and a brand in the world market," Minister Nguyen Hong Dien emphasized.
Institutions related to rice export for associations have been established but have not been really effective. In addition, coordination between ministries, branches and localities is still not good.
According to Minister Nguyen Hong Dien, in the new context, aiming at the goal of multi-value, diversified products, diversified markets, income for rice growers; improving the ability to adapt to climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions; efficient use of resources... it is necessary to have an effective coordination mechanism between ministries, localities, and associations in general coordination of production, business, and export of Vietnamese rice. That is the National Rice Council.
Mr. Tran Cong Thang, Director of the Institute of Policy and Strategy for Rural and Agricultural Development, said that in the new context, the rice industry needs strategic solutions for rice growers and rice growing localities; needs comprehensive strategies, needs strategic consulting to handle issues such as: fluctuations in national market policies, climate change, consumer changes; trade disputes, copyright protection; new trends in development...
Therefore, it is necessary to have an institution to handle cross-sectoral, comprehensive issues to advise and handle major issues of the rice industry, providing orientation for the common sustainable development goal of the whole industry. In this institution, the state does not deeply intervene in the market but ensures the role of orientation, regulation of activities, industry associations, mobilizing public-private partnerships to create more resources from international cooperation and socialized resources. This institution has the participation of ministries, representatives of enterprises, localities and must have the voice of rice growers. Therefore, the establishment of the National Rice Industry Council is an appropriate institution, said Mr. Tran Cong Thang.
From the perspective of international experience, Mr. Tran Cong Thang said that in countries with strategic export industries on a national and international scale such as the oil palm industry in Malaysia, the coffee industry in Brazil, the rice industry in Thailand... besides organizations of producers and traders such as associations, unions, cooperative unions... there is also the model of "Industry Council" or "Industry Coordination Board" at the national level.
This is an institution that connects government ministries and agencies with organizations representing actors in the value chain (farmers, processors, traders) and between localities participating in production. Along with that is support for solving major, overall problems of the industry. Advise government leaders on major policy programs.
According to Mr. Tran Cong Thang, the National Rice Council is an inter-sectoral coordination organization that advises the Prime Minister on research, direction, and coordination to resolve important, inter-sectoral issues related to the development of the rice industry.
Former Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Quoc Doanh said that the establishment of the National Rice Council is very necessary. Rice is the most important commodity in Vietnam's socio-economics. Not only economic but also political, cultural... there needs to be a special mechanism for this commodity.
Not only from the export perspective, Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Nam, Chairman of the Vietnam Food Association, suggested that the National Rice Council should consider supplementing management in rice imports. Because rice imports are also relatively good.
Based on the delegates' comments, Minister Nguyen Hong Dien requested that specialized units will advise the leaders of the two ministries to soon complete the draft to submit to the Government as soon as possible.