
June ramblings

LINH THU June 25, 2024 11:09

June is always like that, it rains and then the sun comes out, the sun of June also opens up memories and plans.

Một tuyến đường ở TP Hải Dương bị ngập sau mưa lớn (ảnh tư liệu)
A road in Hai Duong city after heavy rain

"June rain, rain never stops...".

Ngo Thuy Mien's lyrics are endless, vague, and deeply filled with memories of the sound of rain.

Rain always brings me many unnamed emotions, new emotions. Now, I am no longer young enough to be able to wear only half-clothes, wandering along the streets under the rows of green trees in the rain, to be intoxicated by the city blurred, hazy, and vague in the white rain, to listen to the gentle "symphony of rain" blending with the hustle and bustle of the streets.

Now, I can only sit in my office, watching the rain through the glass window on a rainy afternoon in June. Strangely, this afternoon, sitting watching the rain through the window, I suddenly remembered... a road. A small road with rows of quiet dracontomelon trees, as if far away from the bustling, bustling city streets. It is associated with my childhood memories. On the side of the road is a gentle lotus night in season. The green of the leaves, the pink of the lotus, mixed with the gentle, lingering fragrance, haunts me with a sense of peace, making all worries disappear. On the other side are rows of purple Lagerstroemia trees starting to bloom, evoking a vague sadness of the farewell to students.

It is a road in memory filled with nostalgia. Crocodile trees stand nestled beside towering concrete pillars. Looking at the hurried traffic in the rain, I feel my heart at peace, hearing nostalgia surround me.

And then when I crossed the street, the rain had stopped. The high-voltage lights were bright, the road was glistening with water, the sounds were bustling and the colors were vibrant. The street suddenly looked young, strong and full of energy. Rejuvenation is necessary for a dynamic city. We do not forget the past, but we cannot sit and gnaw on the past forever, whether for joy or regret.

This morning, the rain began to stop, outside the sun was glowing a pale yellow color of honey, the row of old star fruit trees after the cool rain stood still listening to the wind whispering through the leaves.

June is always like that, it rains and then the sun shines, the sun of June also opens up memories and plans. For students, the sun of June is always a great source of inspiration. Many years have passed, but every time June comes with the sound of cicadas in the air like pouring honey, memories of school, class and school friends, memories of my childhood in white shirts rise up in me, living forever in me, the hours of study, the memorable marks.

The rain stopped, the June sun shone brightly on the street. The rays of sunlight were strong, special and charming. My childhood with many friends, was the country roads covered with golden rice. The yellow color was gentle, quiet and beautiful. In the harvest season, the straw was spread all over the road, spreading the fragrance of the sun and the soil. The fragrance wafted, penetrating deep into my soul, from my childhood in my hometown to the days of making a living in the city. My childhood was filled with beautiful memories of summers like that. There was a time when I painfully waited for the bright red of the royal poinciana flowers, hoping to wake up every morning without worrying about exams.

Rains in the bustling city or sunny days in the countryside, life still pulls me forward. But in the fresh memories, memories are forever like a peaceful river, reminding me of the purity and beauty of life, the beloved life.