Continue to improve the legal system on gender equality
The National Assembly's Social Committee proposed that the Government continue to direct the completion of the gender equality legal system and strictly implement gender equality mainstreaming in the development of legal documents.

Continuing the program of the 7th Session of the 15th National Assembly, on the morning of May 22, the National Assembly listened to Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung, authorized by the Prime Minister, present a report on the results of implementing national goals on gender equality in 2023.
Reporting on the summary of the results of implementing national gender equality goals in 2023, Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs Dao Ngoc Dung said that by the end of 2023, 11/20 targets had met and exceeded the targets of the Strategy to 2025; 3/20 targets had been partially met, 2 targets were close to the targets set for 2030, and 12 targets had achieved higher results than in 2022.
Gender equality in the fields of politics, economics, labor, employment, education and training, social security, information and communication continues to be bright spots, with much progress compared to previous years.
However, there are 4 targets that are still far from the target set for 2025, especially the sex ratio at birth is still increasing, and the pilot implementation of medical facilities providing health care services for homosexuals, bisexuals and transgender people still faces difficulties.

Minister Dao Ngoc Dung said the Government's report on achievements in gender equality work in 2023 emphasized that the field of gender equality is increasingly receiving attention and direction from leaders of the Party, State, National Assembly, Government, Prime Minister and ministries, branches and localities.
The system of legal documents and policies continues to be improved towards ensuring the principle of gender equality.
The National Assembly and the Government have focused on examining the integration of gender equality issues in laws, ordinances and sub-law documents; seriously monitoring and evaluating the implementation of policy documents and laws on gender equality. Communication work on gender equality continues to be strengthened; coordination between levels, sectors, state management agencies and socio-political organizations, social organizations and solutions to promote gender equality and prevent and respond to gender-based violence is smooth and effective.
Models promoting gender equality, preventing and responding to gender-based violence have gradually developed in quantity and improved service quality...
Presenting a summary report on the review of the Government's report on the results of implementing national gender equality goals in 2023, Chairwoman of the National Assembly's Committee on Social Affairs Nguyen Thuy Anh said that Vietnam's gender equality ranking in 2023 increased by 15 places compared to 2021 (from 87th/146 countries to 72nd/146 countries).
The gender gap between men and women in all fields has narrowed. Women are increasingly participating in policy-making and decision-making; taking on important leadership positions, making positive contributions to the cause of national construction and development.
The proportion of female deputies to the 15th National Assembly reached 30.26%, the first time it exceeded 30% since the 6th National Assembly, rising from 71st to 55th in the world and 4th in Asia.

The proportion of female delegates to People's Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term increased at all three levels: provincial, district and communal. The proportion of women participating in Party committees at all levels in the Central Executive Committee is 9.5%, in committees directly under the Central Committee is 15.79%, in committees at grassroots level is 16.5%, and at grassroots level is 22.37%.
In the economic and labor fields: All three targets of goal 2 of the Strategy set out by 2025 have been achieved. The income of female workers has improved. Women account for 55% of the workforce participating in compulsory social insurance, accounting for about 51% of the total number of pensioners and social insurance beneficiaries; the role and position of women in the family have changed positively, becoming increasingly equal and independent in the family and society.
Achievements in gender equality have contributed to enhancing Vietnam's role, prestige and image in the international arena.
On April 9, 2024, Vietnam was elected to the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) for the 2025-2027 term.
However, the rate of women participating in politics is not commensurate with the current level and capacity of women and has not yet achieved the targets of Resolution No. 11-NQ/TW dated April 27, 2007 of the Politburo on women's work in the period of promoting industrialization and modernization of the country.
Ms. Nguyen Thuy Anh emphasized that Vietnam is one of the countries with the fastest aging population in the world, while the health care system has not yet met the growing needs of the elderly. Vietnamese women account for 57.82% of the elderly population and have a higher proportion than elderly men in all age groups, the older the age group, the higher the proportion of women.
In addition to the advantages of the 4.0 industrial revolution, workers face many challenges in terms of employment, especially female workers. The Social Committee recommends that the National Assembly Standing Committee pay attention to ensuring the female structure in planning, allocating, determining the structure and composition of candidates for the 16th National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels for the 2026-2031 term.
The Council of Ethnic Minorities and the Committees of the National Assembly pay attention to and coordinate in examining and integrating gender equality issues in law-making and strengthen supervision of the implementation of policies and laws on gender equality.
The Social Committee recommends that the Government continue to direct the completion of the legal system on gender equality; strictly implement the integration of gender equality issues in the development of legal documents; effectively implement the Program "Enhancing equal participation of women in leadership and management positions at all levels of policy making for the period 2021-2030"; step up propaganda and raise social awareness of gender equality. Continue to have appropriate policies in prioritizing enrollment and supporting learning for preschool children, pupils and students of very small ethnic minorities; pay attention to allocating funds for activities and contents on gender equality, and making gender-responsive budgets in socio-economic development programs; consolidate and improve the capacity of staff working on gender equality.