Peach blossom growing area in Hai Duong increased by 76 hectares
Hai Duong province currently has 428 hectares of ornamental peach trees, concentrated in Hai Duong city, Gia Loc district, Kinh Mon town, an increase of 76 hectares compared to the same period last year.

According to the General Statistics Office, Hai Duong currently has 428 hectares of peach trees planted in 11 districts, cities and towns (Tu Ky district alone has no peach growing area), an increase of 76 hectares compared to the same period last year. Of which, Hai Duong city has the largest peach growing area (262 hectares), followed by Gia Loc district (93 hectares), Kinh Mon town (20 hectares)...
Hai Duong's ornamental peach trees are consumed in the province and the northern provinces and cities. Particularly, the peach growing area of Gia Xuyen commune (Hai Duong city) is consumed in the southern market.
According to the assessment of professional agencies and some growers, the quality of ornamental peach trees for the 2024 Tet holiday is relatively good. The recent cold spell has slowed down the growth of peach trees and prevented them from blooming early. The rate of peach blossoms blooming before Tet is lower than last year, only about 15-25%. In recent years, peach growers have proactively applied intensive farming techniques to make the trees bloom at different times, serving customers who enjoy Tet early, on Tet holiday and after Tet.

Currently, people are selling peach trees in the garden quite favorably with the same price as last year. For peach branches, the price is from 80,000-400,000 VND, trees under 2 years old are from 450,000-800,000 VND. Peach branches and trees 3 years old or older cost more than 1 million VND. Bonsai peach trees are priced 2-4 times higher than regular peach trees...