Why eating fast can easily cause weight gain

Beauty - Posted date: 06:31, May 23, 2023

Eating quickly or working at the same time can easily make you consume more food than planned, and you still feel full.

Most nutritionists recommend eating slowly and chewing thoroughly because even if you don't need to lose weight, this habit is beneficial for the digestive system. Eating quickly puts pressure on the intestines and stomach and prevents you from fully enjoying the delicious taste of food. For weight loss, nutritionists point out the following reasons why eating quickly makes it difficult for you to lose weight.

Eat more than needed

Studies have shown that eating too fast and without concentration can easily lead to consuming 1.5 times more food than the body actually needs. This causes you to take in a large amount of calories, higher than the amount of calories you can burn, making it difficult to lose weight, and on the contrary, you gain weight.

Eating while working is bad for your stomach and makes you want to eat more than your body needs.

No feeling of fullness

Eating quickly does not allow the brain to receive the fullness signal in time. This makes you crave more food and creates the mentality of wanting to snack right after finishing the main meal. Therefore, you should eat slowly and chew thoroughly to give the brain enough time to register the fullness signal, thereby controlling the amount of food intake more effectively.

Insulin resistance

Eating too quickly can easily lead to a sudden spike in blood sugar, which can over time cause insulin resistance, causing the body to store more fat.

To establish the habit of eating slowly, you can refer to the following tips:

- Using chopsticks instead of spoons helps you eat smaller pieces.

- Tell yourself to chew 20 times before swallowing.

- Prioritize unrefined foods. Unrefined foods such as whole grains in their raw form often take longer to chew.

According to Ngoisao.net